duminică, mai 27, 2007

Spam si nu numai

Semnatura dintr-un SPAM primit zilele trecute. Trist dar pe undeva funny.

Nota! Ne pare rau... Acest mesaj intr-adevar este spam. Va sfatuim sa va protejati adresa de e-mail mai bine in cazul in care nu mai doriti sa mai primiti spam de la diversi spammeri. Ne pare rau ca trebuie sa recurgem la aceasta metoda si ne cerem scuze, dar pentru moment este cea mai eficienta solutie. In orice caz nu facem spam ca sa vindem viagra sau alte prostii, ci facem un spam cinstit autohton, 100% romanesc. Nu veti mai primi alte mesaje de la noi.

luni, mai 21, 2007

Hitting the Landing Page Optimization Wall

Have you ever found yourself in this situation: you've done tons of testing and optimization and you've tweaked your website and your landing pages to the point there's almost nothing else you can do. You've made progress, then SPLAT! You've hit the optimization wall.

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Landing Page Optimization Tested

MarketingExperiments just released a new research brief discussing how to make landing pages more successful. As always, their conclusions are very relevant to online retailers and other companies who are trying to generate an action from their visitors.

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duminică, mai 20, 2007

flickrSLiDR - Flickr slideshow pentru website-ul tau

flickrSLiDR este un tool online care iti genereaza un slideshow cu fotografiile tale din flickr pe baza unui singur link. Usor configurabil, este perfect pentru bloguri, site-uri personale dar nu numai. Un exemplu vedeti mai jos.

Created with Paul's flickrSLiDR.

Google cumpara Feedburner?

I have just heard from a VERY trusted source that Google is buying Feedburner in order to get into the rapidly evolving RSS Ad market. The delay in announcing the deal, I am told is solely due to the delay in closing out the DoubleClick deal.

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